ep.8 Awaken to Our Own Dream
Blog Post, Podcast Episode 8:
Welcome to another episode here on Spiritual Fitness. Here we continue our discussion about happiness and joy with Trybe member Travis Lange. We talk a bit about the concept of Awaken to Our Own Dream and what that means.
This is part 1, where we start to unpack and discuss our struggles lining up with our true purpose in society. We review the idea of how comparison within our society leads us away from our authentic self and can lead us to falling asleep in our journey.
Chasing the next best thing can be seen as a way to fill an empty void. We are coming from a space of lack. We live in a manufacturing society based on production. The machine must keep going—there will never be enough– creating the space and belief of lack. Something in all of our lives appear to be missing. Is that true?
The cycle of debt and dreams we are shown to chase from the beginning. What are we chasing? Are you too busy chasing other people’s dreams? The comparison game can keep us driving and feeding the hunger of mass production.
Did we stop dreaming our own dream? If so, how did it happen? How can we bring back our own harmony? Can we get back to seeing, thinking, feeling and WAKE UP to strengthen our will power and start claiming our own dream again? Take a fast from some of the external input to wake up to our ownself again. Retry new things, go back to our childhood things and check in on upgrading yourself!
Topics include:
Comparing achievements
Illusions within our self
Chasing the dream for others
Ideas of success and riches
Society distracts us from our alignment
Book reference: Spirit Hacking by Shaman Durek